And then came the birthday of this little boy in the neighbourhood and we had no time to go out and buy a gift. We decided to give money instead of the gift. Now the North Indian tradition is such that if you gift money, you should buy one of those pretty ornate covers that comes with the one rupee attached to it. I don't really know why you need to add a rupee coin, but it does look pretty. Now if we had time to go find a stationery shop which will stock those fancy envelopes, we might as well went ahead and bought something else for the kid. I decided to quickly whip up a gift envelope from whatever came handy. So we had brown package paper, glue, Indian ink and some teal coloured yarn around. This is how it turned out to be. I am going to make a batch of these kind of covers for those quick parties where you do not have time gift shopping. New Hobby! :)
good effort ...